Japan Novel Worldview

By Ciaran Morris


“Bunzo cried out “Make way! Make Way!” Yet the fear of being engulfed in flames was greater than the respect that normally would have made people obey a samurai’s command. If Bunzo had wished, he could have drawn his sword and cut mercilessly through the crowd.” pg. 14

This quote shows the high level of respect towards the samurai class and how that if you were to disrespect or disobey a samurai they could murder you on the spot because it was a rule in Japan that if a lower class member were to disrespect a higher class member then they are legally permited to execute the lower class member, demonstrating the feudal system of Japan


Yoshiwara was a great symbol of the economic structure of feudal Japan. The entertainment industry was huge and Yoshiwara was a great symbol of this. From Kabuki to Geishas, the economy in the floating district was booming.


In the Teahouse of Falling Cherry Blossoms, where Umane performed, several other geishas performed as well. Geishas were an essential part of Japanese culture where the man would go to forget all of their cares and worries. They have since become one of the most reconizable symbols of Japanese culture and history